Open Science
Emerging Neurologist is deeply engaged into open science. The journal publishes articles freely and legally thanks to a CC-BY licence. More importantly it does not require fees from authors for submitting a paper (Article Processing Charges : APC). Finally the journal is led by the scientific community, with a partnership between the Fédération Internationale des Jeunes Neurologues Francophones (FIJNF) and Université Paris Cité. Emerging Neurologist is therefore a diamond open access journal, it is fully compliant with the funders from Coalition-S (ANR, Horizon Europe ...).
See Open Access policies for a full description.
Impact Factor
The Emerging Neurologist journal is in the process of being created and the impact factor is obtained after 3 years of existence. However, this indicator does not reflect the quality of a journal as underlined by DORA ( Our journal, Emerging Neurologist, is part of the open science movement and wishes to adopt more relevant indicators in the years to come.
Data policy
The availability of research data underlying publications is a crucial issue for the openness of science, its reproducibility, and scientific integrity. Emerging Neurologist asks researchers to share their data according to the FAIR principles: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable (see Articles which include results based on research data must include a paragraph explaining how the data can be accessed (Data availability statement). Whenever possible, data should be made publicly available in a data warehouse. They must be shared using a DOI and an open license such as CC0. Data can be deposited in generic repositories like Recherche RechercheDataGouv, zenodo, datadryad or specialized ones like ebrains.
Exceptions are granted if data cannot be made publicly available for legal or ethical reasons. Possible limitations to making data publicly available include patient confidentiality and participant privacy, especially if anonymity cannot be guaranteed. Authors should ensure that the data shared are in accordance with the ethical consent provided by participants, see Case reports and informed consent.